Pay Attention to Signs When They Are Undeniable

I've learned to pay attention to signs when they are undeniable. Details aren't my strong suit because I thrive on gut instinct and my "abilities" as a high functioning adult with ADHD. I can absorb and analyze a situation that doesn't require much context and even though I can't always substantiate my thoughts with evidence, I can compute, navigate and problem solve with a decisiveness that is unparalleled.I've succeeded in life and surpassed my...

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The War on Women: The State of Domestic Violence Today

There is a war on women occurring in North America at this very moment. If you want to expand the lens one can argue there is a state of war on women across the world. The pandemic intensified an already prevalent issue and statistics on domestic violence are only getting worse, after decades of slowly getting better. The only way out? Awareness, dignity and kinship among communities. A statistical profile taken in Canada in 2019 revealed:"There ...

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12 August 2022
I've learned to pay attention to signs when they are unden...
1116 Hits
Alexa Tomaszewski
10 November 2021
There is a war on women occurring in North America at this...
1516 Hits